Saturday, December 12, 2009

Announcing: Prayer for Peace Giveaway Winners!

Before I announce the three winners of Meadowsweet & Myrrh's first-ever (and hopefully not the last) Prayer for Peace Giveaway, I want to thank absolutely everyone who entered the drawing over the past several weeks. I received emails from readers all over the world, and it warms my heart to see how many folks out there are working for peace in their daily lives and reaching out in unique and amazing ways to help resist violence and indifference. Thank you, all, for reading, sharing, and engaging in the creative art of peace-making!

I must admit that, at first, I was tempted to weight the drawing towards those folks who have been active readers of this blog in the past, continuing to share their thoughts and ideas in the comments and helping to make this such a thriving and challenging little online community. But then, I am just as grateful for the newcomers and one-time readers as I am for the "old-timers" and familiar faces. The more we work to spread kindness, compassion and creative pacifism in our daily lives, the more we will continue to encounter the strangers that live on the edges of our awareness. These chance encounters with the Other are as much moments of potential peace-making as the daily grind of engaging family, friends and coworkers in honorable, loving ways. And so, in the end, I decided to let chance roll the dice, and with the help of the completely-truly-random List Randomizer, I selected the names of our three winners out of the internet-ether.

And those winners are: Natrina Lawson, Lori Maddox, and Edie Hansen!

Congratulations Edie, Lori and Natrina! Within the next few days, I'll be sending your way a complimentary set of handmade prayer-beads, along with a copy of the Peace of the Three Realms meditation! I hope you enjoy working with these beads and exploring themes of peace, creativity and love in your daily practice — remember: we can change the world with the stories we tell!

To everyone else, thank you again for entering! In the future, I'm hoping to host more drawings for prayer-beads (potential ideas at the moment include: a monthly blog post/essay contest on themes of peace, pacifism, honor and justice, art or poetry contests, and coordinated group rituals).... so please come back and visit, and keep your eyes peeled in the new year!

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